
Myungsuk Kim

  • GGNB Alumni
Major Professor: Brian Bennett - Research Interests: Identifying genetic, microbial, and dietary factors that regulate TMAO and atherosclerosis using Diversity Outbred mice.

Michelle Zuelch

  • GGNB Alumni
Major Professor: Carl Keen and Roberta Holt - Research Interests: Cardiovascular disease; Atherosclerosis; Phytonutrients; Metabolomics.

Megan Bragg

  • GGNB Alumni
Major Professor: Christine Stewart - Research Interests: international maternal and infant nutrition, especially micronutrient deficiencies and cognitive development in children.

Mariana Parenti

  • GGNB Alumni
Major Professor: Carolyn Slupsky - Research Interests: Effects of maternal diet, evironmental exposures, and metabolism in the perinatal period on long-term infant outcomes.

Leslie Olivares

  • GGNB Alumni
Major Professor: Reina Engle-Stone - Research Interests: Chronic diseases among low income communities.

Kristen James

  • GGNB Alumni
Major Professor: Brian Bennett - Research Interestes: identifying gene by environment interactions in the context of health and disease and applying this knowledge to promote precision health and precision nutrition.

Kirsten Roslund

  • GGNB Alumni
Major Professor: Carolyn Slupsky - Research Interests: The effects of a ketogenic diet on hippocampal metabolism and age-related memory loss.

Katherine Cox

  • GGNB Alumni
Major Professor: Elizabeth Prado - Research Interests: socio-economic, cultural, and environmental determinants of maternal and child nutrition and health; infant and young child feeding practices, including complementary feeding; and relationships between diet, child growth and development.

Jules Larke

  • GGNB Alumni
Major Professor: Carolyn Slupsky - Research Interests: understanding the role of nutrition in the context of infant development; by resolving the components of human milk and their interactions with the host and microbiota, better strategies for enhancing infant care may be devised.