GGNB Students at Symposium 2015


UC Davis Graduate Council Mentoring Guidelines

Nutritional Biology Mentoring Agreement

GGNB Academic Guidance

Nutritional Biology Graduate Group Degree Requirements (updated March 2020)

Nutritional Biology Graduate Group Bylaws (approved 2018)

Nutritional Biology 'Survival Guide' 2023-2024

Design And Statistics Courses found helpful by previous GGNB students

GGNB Master's Advising Guidelines

Nutritional Biology Plan I Mentoring Checklist

Nutritional Biology Plan II Mentoring Checklist

Nutritional Biology Plan II Master's Capstone Report Guidelines and Mentor Expectations

Nutitional Biology MS to PhD Degree Objective Change Proposal

Nutrition Department TA/Reader Applications

General UC Davis Graduate Student Resources

GGNB Powerpoint and Poster Resources 

Download a professional PowerPoint template or Poster template with official UC Davis branding and the GGNB emblem. Instructions for downloading and modifying each template are provided. Templates and instructions are provided by the GGNB's GradSAC.

Nutritional Biology Commitment to Diversity Inclusion and Equity

The Graduate Group in Nutritional Biology (GGNB) is committed to ensuring a welcoming space for all. Our graduate group celebrates the diversity of our members, fosters an equitable educational and scientific environment, and welcomes all inclusively. The GGNB acknowledges and respects the diverse heritages, traditions, and experiences of all members of our community. These differences include race, religion, national origin, ethnicity, color, age, gender, gender identity, marital status, citizenship, sexual orientation, first-generation status, or ability/disability, and more. We affirm that inherent individual commonalities and differences strengthen our graduate group and the work it produces. From mechanisms linking diet to health and disease to intervention studies, research conducted by the GGNB investigators has important implications for health equity and evaluating and
informing nutrition policy. 

Additional Diversity Resources across campus highlighted by the GGNB GradSAC DEI committee


Career Resources